To prepare heart and mind for the Paschal Feast, attend the Lent Vespers on Wednesday evenings, beginning on March 13 at 7pm (each preceded by dinner at 5:30pm).
The theme of the Lent midweek Vespers this year will be “Lent with the Lord’s Commands.” Each week, we will meditate upon the Ten Commandments:
Wednesday, March 13: First Commandment (Soup, Salad, and Sandwich dinner)
Wednesday, March 20: Second and Third Commandments (Potluck dinner)
Wednesday, March 27: Fourth and Fifth Commandments (Soup, Salad, and Sandwich dinner)
Wednesday, April 3: Sixth and Seventh Commandments (Mexican dinner)
Wednesday, April 10: Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments (Italian dinner)
You have this Law to see therein
That you have not been free from sin
But also that you clearly see
How pure toward God life should be.
Have mercy, Lord!
Our works cannot salvation gain;
They merit only endless pain.
Forgive us, Lord! To Christ we flee,
Who pleads for us endlessly.
Have mercy, Lord!
(LSB 581; stanzas 11, 12)
Also, find the corresponding Lent prayer booklets written by confessional Lutheran pastors for the theme, “Lent With The Lord’s Commands” on the blog, Brothers of John the Steadfast (