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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Vacation Bible School 2021

This year students at Vacation Bible School at Immanuel studied the Small Catechism on the Our Father, sang, prayed, made crafts, and played games. Held June 14-18, the morning session was for preschoolers and the evening session was for Kindergarten-grade 6.  Thanks to our volunteers and everyone who attended to make the event a great success!

On Monday, the theme was “God’s Name,” and we heard the account of Moses and the Burning Bush from Exodus 3.1-14.  We learned the introduction and first petition of the Our Father.

Tuesday’s theme was “God’s Name and Will” and we heard the account of God sparing Isaac from sacrifice in providing the ram in Genesis 22.1-14.  We studied the second and third petitions of the Our Father.

“Daily Bread” was the theme for Wednesday, and we studied the feeding of the 5000 in St. John 6, and learned the fourth and fifth petitions of the Our Father.

On Thursday, “Forgiveness of Sins” was the theme as we read St. Matthew 26.36-46, Jesus in Gethsemane.  We learned the sixth petition of the Our Father.

Friday concluded with “Jesus Defeats Temptation and Evil” and the temptation of Jesus in St. Matthew 4.1-11, and the seventh petition and conclusion of the Our Father.  We ended with an ice cream social!





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