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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Sunday’s Music-Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Yet even though I suffer the worldā€™s unpleasantness, And though the days grow rougher, And bring me great distress, That day of bliss divine forever shall be mine.Ā Ā  The HYMN OF THE DAY, ā€œFrom God Can Nothing Move Meā€ (713) is based on Psalm 73.23: ā€œNevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.ā€

Ludwig Helmbold (1532-1598) wrote this hymn in 1563 at the outbreak of a plague in Erfurt, Germany. Ā Many residents fled the city, and Helmbold penned this hymn for a friend, as their families were anxious at their parting and, concerned for their future, considered they might never see each other again.

Worthy of note among Helmboldā€™s writings are his complete metrical version of the

Augsburg Confession.Ā  He also wrote ā€œLord, Help Us Ever to Retainā€ (865), a summary of the six chief parts of the Christian faith.

The lessons are Proverbs 4.10ā€“23; Galatians 5.16ā€“24; and St. Luke 17.11ā€“19.

The hymns are:

790 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
713 From God Can nothing Move Me
737 Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing
602 The Gifts Christ Freely Gives
544 O Love, How Deep
895 Now Thank We All Our God

Prelude: From God Can Nothing Move Me -Johann Gottfried Walther

Voluntary: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty -Paul Manz

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