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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Parish News for the Third Sunday in Lent – Oculi

The Third Sunday in Lent – Oculi

03 March 2024


Jesus Overcomes the Strong Man

Jeremiah was charged with speaking evil when he spoke the Word of the Lord (Jer. 26:1–15). So also, Jesus is accused of doing evil when in fact He is doing good. He casts out a demon from a mute man so that he is able to speak (Luke 11:14–28). But some said Jesus did this by the power of Beelzebub, Satan. Like Pharaoh of old, their hearts were hard (Ex. 8:16–24). They did not recognize the finger of God, the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through Jesus. Jesus is the Stronger Man who overcomes the strong man. He takes the devil’s armor of sin and death and destroys it from the inside out by the holy cross. He exorcizes and frees us by water and the Word. We were once darkness, but now we are light in Christ the Lord (Eph. 5:1–9). As children of light, our tongues are loosed to give thanks to Him who saved us.


Parish News

Campus Ministry Bible Study/Dinner Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm.  All college students and college age members are welcome!  Members, please check the bulletin board to sign up to bring a meal.

Lenten Midweek Services Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Please join us for our Lenten Midweek Vespers Services including Pastor’s In Suffering Be Thy Love My Peace series. This Wednesday we will study of The Death of the Son of St. David.  OAF will host a potluck meal at 5:30 pm. Make your reservation on the bulletin insert.

Easter Flowers Order Form   is on the back table in the Narthex. Please clearly print your name and the name of the person(s) you would like to honor or memorialize. Also check the box under the type of flowers you would prefer. The cost is $10.00. The order deadline is March 11. You may also order by contacting the Parish Office at 812.232.4972 or

Altar Guild Cleaning Day is Saturday, March 23 at 9:00 am   All Altar Guild members are encouraged to attend. Thank you!

Altar Guild Easter Set Up  Saturday, March 30 at 9:00 am, we will be setting up the Sanctuary for the Great Vigil of Easter and the following Easter Services. This includes hanging banners, installing pew torches and setting out Easter flowers.  Please make time to help make our Sanctuary ready for the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord! Many hands make light work.

Running the iPad is so easy! Communicant members age 18 years or older, please prayerfully consider serving our parish by volunteering to run the iPad playing the organ. Organ music is so important in supporting the depth of our worship during our services. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board outside the parish office.  If you have questions, please contact Jim Haas at 317-691-9618,, or Stacy in the church office.

Habakkuk Bible Study… The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily 15-minute verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon begins a study this week on the Book of Habakkuk. You can listen at your convenience at, the LPR mobile app and a podcast provider.


This Week at Immanuel

Today   Third Sunday in Lent – Oculi
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am
  • Campus Ministry Bible Study, 5:30 pm
  • Lenten Midweek Meal, 5:30 pm
  • Lenten Midweek Vespers, 7:00 pm
  • Westminster Bible Study, 1:30 pm
  • Youth Catechesis, 9:00 am
Next Sunday    Fourth Sunday in Lent – Laetare
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Second Sunday Snacks hosted by YPI, 9:00 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am


Pastor’s Open Office Hours
  • Wednesday, 4:30-5:30 pm
  • Friday, 4:30-5:30 pm