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Parish News for The Sunday of the Man Healed on the Sabbath and the Parable of the Wedding Feast

The Sunday of  The Man Healed on the Sabbath and the Parable of the Wedding Feast

Michael Tide – Trinity XVII

01 October 2023


Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted

“Do not put yourself forward in the king’s presence” (Prov. 25:6–14). Rather, take the lowest position at the table. Humble yourself before Him. For your place is not for you to take but for Him to give. Conduct yourself with all lowliness and gentleness, bearing with one another in love (Eph. 4:1–6), that the King may give you glory in the presence of those at the table with you. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:1–11). Is this not the way of Christ? He is the one who took the lowest place, who humbled Himself even to the point of death for us. He is now exalted to the highest place at the right hand of the Father that penitent believers may be exalted together with Him in the resurrection. To the humble at His Supper He says, “Friend, move up higher,” giving you His very body and blood for your forgiveness that you may ascend to take part in the great wedding feast which has no end.


Parish News

Altar Flowers donated to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Kris Fitzgerald.

Campus Ministry Bible Study/Dinner  Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm.  All college students are welcome to attend.  We are excited to continue this tradition of welcoming college students here at Immanuel!  Members, please check the bulletin board to sign up to bring a meal. 

7th Annual Brat Trot Join us for our annual Brat Trot/Beer Run 5K on October 14 at 8:00 am .  You can participate by running the 5K, the Beer Challenge or the 1 Mile Fun Run (register at or by volunteering to work the event by contacting Brad Cress at See you there!

YPI Bonfire at the Bilyeu’s The Young People of Immanuel and their families will celebrate the fall season with their annual bonfire at Kris & Leslie Bilyeu’s house on Saturday, October 21. For more info, check out our YPI Facebook page. Search  “IELCTH Youth” and click “Join” 

Reformation Mittagessen  October 29, following Divine Service. Watch for upcoming bulletin inserts and make your reservation for this annual event celebrating the Reformation with delicious German food and fellowship!

A Lutheran View Of Depression… You can listen to the new audiobook, “I Trust When Dark My Road: A Lutheran View of Depression” by Pastor Todd Peperkorn.  Go to, enter your email address, and you’ll receive a link to “I Trust When Dark My Road.”  This new audiobook is produced by Lutheran Public Radio based in Collinsville, IL.  LPR produces radio talk shows, podcasts, and 24/7 sacred music and talk stations.


This Week at Immanuel

Today   The Sunday of the Man Healed on the Sabbath and the parable of the wedding feast
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am
  • Didache, 5:30 pm
  • Campus Ministry Bible Study, 5:30 pm
  • Brat Trot Steering Committee, 6:00 pm
  • Council of Deacons Meeting, 8:00 am
  • Youth Catechesis, 10:00 am
Next Sunday  The Sunday of the Examination of the Scribes and Pharisees
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Second Sunday Snacks, 9:00 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am


Pastor’s Open Office Hours this week:

(Please call ahead to confirm due to possible paternity absence)

Walking w/Pastor Tuesday, 1:30-2:30

Wednesday and Friday, 1:30-2:30