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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Parish News for the Last Sunday of the Church Year

Last Sunday of the Church Year

20 November 2022


By Faith We Are Prepared for Christ’s Return

“The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1–11). The arrival of the bridegroom will be sudden and unexpected. Therefore you are to be watchful and ready like the five wise virgins. “For you know neither the day nor the hour” when the Son of Man is to return. (Matt. 25:1–13). The lamps are the Word of Christ. The oil in the lamps is the Holy Spirit, who works through the Word to create and sustain the flame of faith in Christ. The foolish are those who do not give proper attention to the working of the Holy Spirit in baptism, preaching, and the supper, and so their faith does not endure. The wise, however, are those who diligently attend to these gifts of the Spirit, and who therefore have an abundance of oil. The flame of faith endures to the end. By God’s grace they are received into the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, the new heavens and the new earth created by the Lord for the joy of His people (Is. 65:17–25).


Parish News

Altar Flowers   are given by Jodi Tate in honor of Madeline’s baptismal birthday.

Advent Midweek Meals  Wednesdays beginning November 30 at 5:30 pm before Advent Evening Prayer services. Complete your reservation on the bulletin insert and join us for a good meal and fellowship.

YPI Christmas Party  Please join us on Saturday, December 3rd at 4:00 pm for a fun evening of fellowship!  We will have pizza and snacks, a gift exchange, and we will also be sending Christmas cards to our congregation’s shut-ins.  And, new this year, we will be decorating Christmas wreaths and hanging them around the Parish Center!  Please let Amy Cracraft know if you’ll be coming to the Christmas Party at  Please bring a snack or dessert to share and $5 per family to cover the cost of pizza.

College Student Fellowship Meal Join us on Sunday, December 4 at 5:00 pm for fellowship and a meal provided by our Board of Education. All college students and college age young adults are welcome!

German Service Mark your calendars for December 18 at 4:00 pm for our annual German Service. We will host our guests after service to a reception with authentic German treats and even German coffee. If you would like to help or donate treats, please contact Leslie Bilyeu at

Children’s Christmas Program will be Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsals will be during Sunday School beginning Sunday, November 20. All children 6th grade and under are encouraged to participate. Please contact Joe Eckardt at or the church office at if you would like to help with this annual event.

New Pictorial Directory  Pictorial Directory Photos are needed from all members to complete our new directory. Stop by the backdrop in the parish center and have your photo taken with your phone. Photo instructions are posted on the wall next to the backdrop. Email the photo to Don’t own a phone? Ask someone who does. Or email an appropriate photo you already have. Please include all names listed in photo, current address, ph# and email when submitting your photo. One photo per address, please, unless adult children want their photo separate. We’d like to have all photos by the end of the year.

Volunteers Needed to run the iPad playing the organ.  Volunteers should be communicant members of Immanuel, age 18 years or older.  Training provided.  Sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside the parish office or contact Kris Wineinger at to volunteer.

Looking Forward To Sunday Morning… Issues, Etc. is a radio-talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken.  You can listen to weekly studies of the Biblical texts, prayers and hymns of the day.  Pastor Sean Daenzer of LCMS Worship will lead us through the three-year lectionary.  Pastor Peter Bender of the Concordia Catechetical Academy will lead us through the one-year lectionary.  You can listen at your convenience at, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.



This Week at Immanuel

Today   Last Sunday of the Church Year
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Choir Rehearsal, 9:45 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am
  • Youth Catechesis, 9:00 am
Next Sunday First Sunday in Advent
  • Sunday School/Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30am

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