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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Parish News for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

18 September 2022


The Cry of Faith: Lord, Have Mercy

The ten lepers cried out from a distance, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” (Luke 17:11–19). Their condition cut them off from God and others. So also do the works of the flesh cut us off from God and others. “Those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:16–24). Thus we cry out with the lepers, “Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy,” eagerly seeking His good gifts. Jesus said to the lepers, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. So too, we walk by faith and not by sight, being confident of Jesus’ help before we see any evidence of it, trusting that Jesus’ cleansing words of forgiveness will restore us to wholeness in the resurrection. Let us be as the one leper who returned to the true High Priest to give Him thanks and glory. For Jesus bore our infirmities in His sacrifice at Calvary. His words are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh (Prov. 4:10–23).


Parish News

Altar Flowers   are given by Mr. & Mrs. Cale Bays and Mr. & Mrs. Paul Danielsen in memory of Aiden Adam Bays.

Welcome College Students Cookout The Board of Education will host a cookout at the vicarage this evening at 5:30 pm for our college students and other young adults. All are welcome to attend or contribute a side dish.  Please e-mail if you plan to attend or would like more information.

Organ iPad Training October 2 following Divine Service. Anyone who would like to volunteer to run the iPad playing the organ is encouraged to attend this 15-minute training session.

CPC of Wabash Valley 34th Annual Banquet will be on October 4, 2022 at the ISU Hulman Center. The theme of this year’s banquet is “The Light Shines in the Darkness”  with special guest speaker Steventhen Holland. This free event is an opportunity to support CPC of Wabash Valley financially. Please contact our table host, Barb Seliger, at or 812-281-2374 if you would like join Immanuel’s table at this event.

Replacement Council Of Deacon Candidate For 2022  After further consideration, Cameron Steven Casassa has withdrawn his nomination to fill the vacancy on the Council of Deacons for the term ending in December 2022. The Council of Deacons will remain one person short until another candidate has been nominated and approved. John Schulz, Chairman of The Council of Deacons.

For Such A Time As This… LCMS President Matt Harrison writes about what Lutherans can learn from the Book of Esther and from our Lutheran forefathers on how to face the challenges of a culture hostile to Christianity in the latest Issues, Etc. Journal.  You can receive this online publication for free.  Visit, click the red “Subscribe” button, and enter your email address.


This Week at Immanuel

Today   Fourteenth  Sunday after Trinity
  • Sunday School /Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Choir Rehearsal, 9:45 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30 am
  • YPI Apple Picking, 12:00 pm
  • Welcome College Students Cookout, 5:30 pm
  • Board of Education/School Research Committee, 6:00 pm
  • Study of the Book of Concord, 7:00 am
  • Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 pm
  • Youth Catechesis, 9:00 am
  • Men’s Cookout, 6:00 pm
Next Sunday  Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
  • Sunday School/Adult Bible Class, 9:00 am
  • Choir Rehearsal, 9:45 am
  • Divine Service, 10:30am

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