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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Parish News for St. Luke, Evangelist

St. Luke, Evangelist

18 October 2020


Pray to the Lord of the Harvest

The Lord bids us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest (St. Luke 10.2). The fields look more like deserts, filled with jackals (Isaiah 35.6–7), and the Lord sends His laborers out as lambs in the midst of wolves. But Christ’s Word of “Peace” heals the sick and brings the very kingdom of God near to those who hear it (Isaiah 35.5; St. Luke 10.3–9). St. Luke, the beloved physician, did the work of an evangelist. He diligently prepared both a Gospel, the history of Christ’s work in the flesh before His ascension, and the Acts of the Apostles, the history of His continued work among His Church. Luke and his Scriptures are a gift from this Ascended Lord, written for Theophilus and for all who love His appearing (2 Timothy 4.5–8). Tradition suggests that Luke was one of the seventy-two sent out ahead of Jesus, two by two. Luke proved himself to be a faithful companion throughout St. Paul’s missionary journeys, through many trials and crosses, and even to Rome, where he alone was with Paul.


Parish News

Altar Flowers   are given to the glory of God by Mr. James Latta in memory of Lainey Kelley.

Matins and Bible Study   Join us on Wednesdays at 8:30am for Matins, followed by “Coffee Break Bible Study” at 9am. This Bible study is live streamed, and you may watch it on our Facebook page. Currently the Study is at 1 Samuel 25, David being persecuted by King Saul.

Euchre Game Night and Chili Cook Off, Saturday, November 7:  Sign up to make your chili and vie for the title of best chili at Immanuel! Tasting begins at 6pm. Bring your change to vote for your favorites. Euchre tournament and other game play will begin at 6:30pm with prizes awarded at 8:30pm. Sign up outside the church office and look for more information. $5 suggested donation for attendance at this YPI hosted fundraiser.

All Saints’ Day and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed will be celebrated during Divine Service on Sunday, November 1 at 10:30 A.M. As part of that service, we wish to read the names of those who received the ministry of our congregation during their last days and who received a Christian burial. Please send those names of your immediate relatives to be included on this list and your relationship by e-mail to or call the church office before Tuesday, October 27.

GivePlus Mobile App   No checks or cash? No problem! Electronic giving is now available at Immanuel with the GivePlus mobile app. Simply download the app and set up a one time or recurring gift.  Simple and secure giving electronically with your mobile device.


Prepare for Next Sunday

Isaiah 55.1–9; Ephesians 5.15–21; St. Matthew 22.1–14

Hymns: 940 – TLH 260 – 636 – 672 – 689 – 919


Order of Daily Prayer

L Make haste, O X God, to deliver me.

R Make haste to help me, O Lord.

     Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;

     as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia!

Psalm 34

Scripture Readings:

  [S] from Divine Service

  [M] 1 John 1.1-10; Nehemiah 1.1-11

  [T] 1 John 2.1-17; Nehemiah 2.1-20

  [W] 1 John 5.1-9; Nehemiah 4.1-23

  [Th] 1 John 5.10-21; Nehemiah 8.1-18

  [F] 2 John 1-13; Nehemiah 9.1-38

  [S] 3 John 1-14; Zechariah 8.1-2

Hymn of the Day or Month Praise the Almighty (797)

Catechism (bulletin)

Apostles’ Creed

Kyrie: L Lord, have mercy upon us;  R Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.

Our Father

Collect of the Day (bulletin)

Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer

L Bless we the Lord.  R Thanks be to God.

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