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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Parish News for Jubilate—Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Mark, Evangelist

Jubilate—Fourth Sunday of Easter

St. Mark, Evangelist

25 April 2021


Those Who Wait on the Lord Shall Rejoice

The people of God are pilgrims and sojourners in this world, looking ahead to a destination yet to come (1 Peter 2.11–20). Though we are now children of God, the fullness of what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We are those who wait on the Lord. “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him” (Lamentations 3.25). Jesus tells us that the wait is just a little while. “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me” (St. John 16.16). Though you must experience sorrow for a time, though you must live as strangers in a world that is at enmity with Christ, yet your sorrow will be turned to joy when He returns. “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40.31). The little while of weeping shall be replaced with an eternity of rejoicing in the presence of Christ the crucified and risen Savior. “And no one will take your joy from you” (St. John 16.22).


Parish News

Jubilate  means “Make a joyful shout,” from the first verse of Psalm 66.  This Psalm expresses the joy and thanksgiving that are the response of faith to God’s creative and redemptive acts.  This joyful Psalm attributes praise and glory to God alone, for it is He that “turned sea into dry land” to deliver His people form bondage through the Red Sea, and it is He that keeps our soul among the living,” delivering His people from bondage to sin and death by the waters of Holy Baptism. “But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.  Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me!”

Altar Flowers   are given to the glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. David Morge in memory of Roy and Renee Greenwood.

Vicarage Assignment Service   is tomorrow, April 26, at 7pm at Kramer Chapel on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. Immanuel will be assigned a vicar for 2021-22. The service will be streamed online through CTSFW Facebook page and the seminary’s webpage

The Lutheran Witness, Gottesdienst: the Journal of Lutheran Liturgy, and Good News Magazine are three solid confessional Lutheran magazines. Immanuel orders a bulk subscription of each one, and we place them on the table across from the Parish Office, first come, first served. They are for your Christian edification, freely given by the congregation. Please take advantage of this – and take home back issues of these from the rack above.

Bach and Roll   Join us Fridays at 7pm in the Parish Center to listen to recordings of Bach’s cantatas for the Easter season.  This week we will listen to “It is Expedient for You That I Go Away” (BWV 108) for Cantate.

Reading Discussion Group   has been formed to explore essays and books from theology, education, and the classical tradition. The first meeting will take place this Wednesday at 6:30pm at the Climbing Cafe. Contact Emily Eckardt ( with any questions. Contact or stop by the church office for a copy of the first reading, “Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis.


Prepare for Next Sunday

Isaiah 12.1–6; James 1.16–21; St. John 16.5–15

Hymns: 458 – 556 – 487 – 633 – 484 – TLH 202


Order of Daily Prayer

L Make haste, O X God, to deliver me.

R Make haste to help me, O Lord.

     Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;

     as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia!

Psalm 66

Scripture Readings:

  [S] from Divine Service

  [M] St. John 6.60-71; Ezekiel 36.1-15

  [T] St. John 7.1-13; Ezekiel 36.16-32

  [W] St. John 7.14-24; Ezekiel 36.33-38

  [Th] St. John 7.25-36; Haggai 2.-23

  [F] St. John 7.37-53; Zechariah 2.1-13

  [S] St. John 8.1-11; Zechariah 11.1-17

Hymn of the Day or Month O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe (666)

Catechism (bulletin)

Apostles’ Creed

Kyrie: L Lord, have mercy upon us;  R Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.

Our Father

Collect of the Day (bulletin)

Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer

L Bless we the Lord.  R Thanks be to God.

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