First Sunday after Epiphany
12 January 2020
The Glory of the Lord Returns to the Temple in the Boy Jesus
In the days of Solomon, the Lord dwelt among His people in the temple. The glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord in the form of a cloud (1 Kings 8.6–13). Now Jesus, who is the glory of the Lord in the flesh, enters the temple to show that He Himself is the everlasting temple and dwelling place of God (St. Luke 2.41–52). Our young Lord, true man, subject to Mary and Joseph, reveals Himself also to be true God, whose father is not Joseph but the Almighty Father in heaven. Jesus does this at the time of the Passover. For He came to be the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Even as He was found by his parents after three days, so He would later rise from the dead on the third day that the favor of God might rest also upon us. It is by these mercies of God that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God through Christ (Romans 12.1–5).
Parish News
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Haas in memory of their parents.
There are still five Sundays available to sponsor Altar Flowers for 2020, including next Sunday, January 19. Sign up on the chart in the Narthex.
Daily Meditations for Epiphany are available on from If you are unable to access them online, copies are available in the Narthex and Parish Center.
Please Pick Up your 2019 contribution statements on the table in the Narthex. Contact with any questions.
Adult Bible Class meets Sunday at 9am in the Parish Center, studying the book of Hebrews.
GivePlus Mobile App No checks? No problem! Electronic giving is now available at Immanuel with the GivePlus mobile app. Simply download the app and set up a one time or recurring gift. Simple and secure giving electronically with your mobile device. Additional information is available on the table outside the office.
Prepare for Next Sunday
Exodus 33.12–23; Romans 12.6–16; St. John 2.1–11
Hymns: 394 – 402 – 872 – 636 – 408 – 737
Order of Daily Prayer
L Make haste, O X God, to deliver me.
R Make haste to help me, O Lord.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia!
Psalm 72
Scripture Readings:
[S] from Divine Service
[M] St. John 1.29-34; Genesis 8.1-22
[T] St. John 1.35-42; Genesis 11.1-9
[W] St. John 1.43-51; Genesis 12.1-20
[Th] St. Luke 4.1-13; Genesis 13.1-18
[F] St. Mark 1.12-15; Genesis 14.1-24
[S] St. Matthew 4.12-17; Genesis 15.1-21
Hymn of the Day or Month Of the Father’s Love Begotten (384)
Catechism (bulletin)
Apostles’ Creed
Kyrie: L Lord, have mercy upon us; R Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.
Our Father
Collect of the Day (bulletin)
Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer
L Bless we the Lord. R Thanks be to God.