Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
12 September 2021
Anxious Bondage vs. Confident Trust
“You cannot serve God and money” (St. Matthew 6.24–34), for they require two contrary forms of service. Worry is the worship given to the false god of mammon, an unbelieving anxiousness and focus on the things of this world. Faith is the worship of the true God, a confident trust that He is a loving Father who will care for all of our needs in both body and soul. The widow of Zarephath served God— that is, she believed the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah that the bin of flour would not be used up nor would the jar of oil run dry (1 Kings 17.8–16). He who feeds the birds and clothes the flowers will certainly provide for our daily needs. For He has already provided for our eternal needs, clothing us with Christ’s righteousness in Baptism and feeding us His body and blood for our forgiveness. With such confidence we are liberated from worry and freed to do good with our material resources, especially to those who are of the household of faith (Galatians 5.25–6.10).
Parish News
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Scot Mullins.
Adult Bible Class meets Sunday at 9am in the Parish Center, continuing the study of St. Luke 9.
One God, many gods College students are exposed to many faiths while on campus. Over 3.7 billion people do not know the One true God. They know Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard, or even themselves as their god. Some might live next door to them, and some may be their friends. This study provides an opportunity to learn about the religions of the world through the lens of Christianity – to learn to welcome those of other faiths and not to fear them; to demonstrate sincere love without offending them; to grow in compassion for those who need God’s saving grace; and to learn to avoid false religious views and hold fast to our Christian faith. This week’s lesson is Hinduism. All college students are welcome to join us Sunday evenings at 6pm in the Parish Center for dinner and discussion.
Top Podcast in Religion and Spirituality Issues, Etc. features expert guests in theology, biblical interpretation, apologetics, ethics, philosophy, law and culture. Issues, Etc. is hosted by Pastor Todd Wilken and consistently ranks among the Top Podcasts in Religion & Spirituality with Apple Podcasts. You can listen on-demand at, the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.
Prepare for Next Sunday
1 Kings 17.17–24; Ephesians 3.13–21; St. Luke 7.11–17
Hymns: 755 – 758 – 618 – 818 – 619 – TLH 407
Order of Daily Prayer
L Make haste, O X God, to deliver me.
R Make haste to help me, O Lord.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia!
Psalm 86
Scripture Readings:
[S] from Divine Service
[M] Titus 3.8-15; 2 Kings 20.1-21
[T] Philemon 1-25; 2 Kings 21.1-26
[W] Hebrews 1.1-14; 2 Chronicles 1.1-33
[Th] Hebrews 2.1—3.19; 2 Chronicles 35.20—36.10
[F] Hebrews 4.1—5.14; Jeremiah 22.1-30
[S] Hebrews 6.1-20; Jeremiah 25.1-14
Hymn of the Day or Month What God Ordains is Always Good (760)
Catechism (bulletin)
Apostles’ Creed
Kyrie: L Lord, have mercy upon us; R Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.
Our Father
Collect of the Day (bulletin)
Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer
L Bless we the Lord. R Thanks be to God.