Play in new window | DownloadThe Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord “Annunciation’s Point” St. Luke 1.26-38; Isaiah…
News Play in new window | DownloadThird Sunday in Lent – Oculi “No Vacant Houses” St. Luke 11.14-28; Exodus 8.16-24;…
Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation The HYMN OF THE DAY (659) praises Jesus Christ, the Lord…
Oculi—Third Sunday in Lent 24 March 2019 Jesus Overcomes the Strong Man The Prophet Jeremiah was charged with speaking evil…
Our Savior and Our Advocate The HYMN OF THE DAY, “When in the Hour of Deepest Need” (615) is based… Play in new window | DownloadSecond Sunday in Lent – Reminiscere “Crumbs For Every Dog” St. Matthew 15.21-28; Genesis…
Reminiscere—Second Sunday in Lent 17 March 2019 Holding God to His Word Jacob wrestled with God; he would not let… Play in new window | DownloadFirst Sunday in Lent “Out of this World” St. Matthew 4.1-11; Genesis 3.1-21; 2…
Have mercy, Lord! The hymn for our focus during Lent Vespers this year is Martin Luther’s hymn on the Ten…
To prepare heart and mind for the Paschal Feast, attend the Lent Vespers on Wednesday evenings, beginning on March 13…