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Meyer’s Musings – Introduction

Meyer’s Musings – Introduction

By Rev. Philip G. Meyer, Pastor Emeritus

This blog is a reprise of the column I used to write Table Talk for Immanuel’s Esprit during my days as Pastor. Today I am Pastor Emeritus and that seems to demand a new title. That new title is Meyer’s Musings. Table Talk was taken from Luther’s habit of discussing current events in light of Lutheran theology around his dining room table. Students took copious notes of everything that Luther uttered. Today we might call it an “open mic.” Included in his talks were controversial subjects as well as questions that others raised on popular topics.

Pastor Sutton approached me a number of months ago asking me to publish a blog much like the old Table Talks. I am more than happy to oblige. I’ve always enjoyed writing and discussing things like this in a somewhat informal way. This blog won’t be a sermon. It will be my reaction to things happening in society as they intersect with our Lutheran faith.

These observations and opinions will be solely my own. They are not the reflections of our Pastor nor anyone else. I am solely responsible for what is published here. For that reason I chose Meyer’s Musings to indicate that this is completely my production. No one will have edited them. That lets Pr. Sutton off the hook for anything that might get him in trouble. [Smiley face icon]

You can begin looking for blogs as I publish them. I’ve lots of ideas as the news is full of things that we should be thinking about as faithful Lutheran Christians. I look forward to hearing from you, and I’m sure there will be some unfavorable responses from somewhere. This is not confined to our congregation but for anyone who visits our website.

Comments (5)

Looking forward to this! You will do this very well, Dad.

PERFECT ! We are so blessed to have you, Reverend Meyer, to continue to be an intrigal part of Immanuel.

Thank you for your kind remark.

I echo Mark’s comment above and I’ll look forward to your musings. I know they’ll be insightful and helpful, especially in regard to today’s society.

Barb and I worshipped with you at Immanuel from 1986-90, Phil. We’ve been in Colorado ever since, attending a conservative Presbyterian church, doing missions in France ( I had an odd midlife crisis in ’97-falling in love with the French language and working for 20 years to complete a BA in French, then helping the church in France on short term visits since 2004.) and heading the percussion dept. at U of Colorado Boulder. Our three sons, Douglas Ormsby Faolan, Daniel James Taliessin, and Gabriel John Peregrin all did college and are working full time, living near us in Louisville, CO. Daniel married Samantha in 2019; the others are still single. We remember fondly both your ministry (The first sermon i Heard of your was on Ecclesiastes and how we mustn’t think academic learning can substitute for the wisdom of God –an IMPORTANT lesson for an academic like me) and the lovely people in the church. Blessings on your family and your emeritus ministry. Douglas Wm. Walter

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