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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Information and Links on Abortion

Current Events: Information and Links on Abortion

Dear Members of Immanuel,

I write to make you aware of some of the current events surrounding the issue of the practice of abortion in the United States. As you may be aware, some states (notably New York and Illinois) have opened abortion to the latest possible point in a pregnancy, and even at the point of the child being born – the most “liberal” possible use of this evil. Other states (Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, and our state of Indiana) are tightening the time and stages at which abortion may be used.

Here are some links I wanted to share.

First, a response by the Rev. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod to the wickedness shown by New York and Illinois:

Here is some general information from Indiana Right to Life about the current law on abortion in Indiana:

Here is the story on the current legislation pending before the Indiana State Legislature:

Now, I encourage each of you to pray for our legislature and governor, and all in government across our country, to rule and act according to God’s will in the Holy Scriptures. Pray for all those affected by abortion and for those who support it, that God would change the hearts and minds of all that life is affirmed and cherished at all points of time in the lives that God creates. God grant us all repentant and contrite hearts to hear His Word on this and other issues in our life and culture, and to flee to our Lord Christ for His forgiveness where we have fallen short.

Last, I want to encourage all adults and high school age youth to see the movie, “Unplanned”, now out in theatres. The Vicar, Kantor, and I are planning to go to AMC Theatre and view the movie at the 4:30 PM showing on Sunday afternoon, 4/07/19. We invite you to meet us there. Here is a review of the movie by a wife of an LCMS pastor posted on the LCMS blog:

As always, my door is open to anyone needing to discuss this issue and what God’s Word has to say.

The Lord bless and keep you in His grace!

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Sutton

Comments (1)

Thank you Pastor Sutton for informing our congregation on these events and updates.

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