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645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Ash Wednesday – February 17

Join us for Divine Service for Ash Wednesday on February 17 at 7pm.  The imposition of ashes begins at 6:45 in the Narthex.

Christians mark the beginning of Lent with the Ash Wednesday Divine Service.  Lent is a 40-day season of focus on Christ’s Passion, penitential reflection, and catechesis, with the disciplines of increased prayer, increased fasting, and increased almsgiving.

The lessons are Joel 2.12-19; 2 Peter 1.2-11; and St. Matthew 6.1-6, 16-21.

Also mark your calendars to join us for midweek Lent Vespers on Wednesdays at 7pm during Lent.  This year’s theme is “Into His Death and Resurrection: On Holy Baptism.”

  • February 24: What is baptism?
  • March 3: What benefits does baptism give?
  • March 10: How can water do such great things?
  • March 17: What does such baptizing with water indicate?
  • March 24: Infant Baptism

Use the Sunday bulletin insert as a reminder of Vespers on Wednesdays for your refrigerator or bulletin board; and share one with a family member, friend, or neighbor to invite them to attend.

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