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About Sunday’s Music – Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Reconciled and set me free  The HYMN OF THE DAY, “Lord, to You I Make Confession,” (608) tells of how Confession and Absolution changes our status before Our Lord.

I have “chosen for myself my way” – the way that leads to transgression, error, and terror before God.  “Though Your child I dare not call me,” yet when we turn from our will and our way, we confess our sins and receive Our Father’s forgiveness for the sake of His Son, who suffered and died to restore and reconcile us to Our Father.

Christians confess sins to turn from our will to God’s will, and thus are washed clean from sin, receive His pardon. “Make me only Yours forever.”

This hymn is by Johann Franck (1618-1677) and was published in the hymnal Geistliche Kirchenmelodien in 1649.  This hymnal was produced by Johann Crüger (1598-1662), kantor of St. Nicholas Church in Berlin, also the composer of the tune for this hymn.

Franck ranks along with Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676) among the great Lutheran hymn writers of his time.  A lawyer by trade, he also developed a love of writing hymns at the University of Königsberg.  At the university, he studied with noted Lutheran hymn writer Simon Dach (1605-1659).  Four of his 110 hymns are included in our hymnal, the most well-known being “Jesus Priceless Treasure” (743).

The introduction is by Jacob B. Weber (b. 1988), associate music editor at Concordia Publishing House, from the new collection “Hymn Prelude Library,” a collection of organ compositions for each hymn in Lutheran Service Book.

Our Father, Who From Heaven Above The ENTRANCE HYMN and CLOSING HYMN (766) is Luther’s catechism hymn on the third chief part, The Our Father.  It was written in 1539.  In addition to writing the text, Luther also adapted the tune for use with his words.

The distribution music is a setting of this hymn tune arranged for flute and cello, originally for organ by Heinrich Scheidemann (1595-1663).

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